Florida College for Philosophical and Religious Studies is authorized by the State of Florida, Department of Education (Commission for Independent Education) to operate as a private, non-secular
college and to grant Associate, Bachelor, Master and Doctorate Degrees in the field of Theology, Divinity, Philosophy and Religious Studies.
Our postsecondary educational institution is thereby permitted to award its degrees in the following declared categories: “ministry, counseling, theology, education, administration, music, fine
arts, media communications, or social work”.
The degrees awarded by Florida College for Philosophical and Religious Studies are under the authority of the Florida Commission for Independent Education, according to Florida Statute Section
1005.06(1)(f) and in full compliance with all legal and policy requirements of the State of Florida, USA.
Florida’s Department of Education (Commission for Independent Education) has statutory responsibilities in matters relating to nonpublic, postsecondary, educational institutions.
In keeping with the Florida Department of Education's goal of producing a seamless educational system, some of these functions include consumer protection, program improvement, institutional
policies and administration, data management, and the licensure of independent schools, colleges and universities.
Inquiries concerning the license status of the College may be addressed to the Commission for Independent Education, 325 W. Gaines Street, Suite 1414, Tallahassee, FL 32399-0400, (850)
Actual and valid letter issued by the Florida Department of Education, Commission for Independent Education, to us as a religious university stating that we met the requirements of the law of The State of Florida.
Validation is the process where a degree-awarding body judges a module or program developed and delivered by another organization and approves it as being of an appropriate standard and quality to lead to one of its awards.
For us, religion and science are not opposites but parts of the whole teaching.
It is therefore a natural obligation for us to also include secular expertise and its methodology.
For example, the bible explains monetary economics and gives us specific instructions for how to run a society in all kind of its aspects.
What is more obvious than to look at this wisdom with modern economic theories?
We have therefore decided to enter into collaborations with renowned and experienced universities.
This is intended to ensure, that our FCPR is permanently commitment to high quality teaching and support to our students.
For example, our lessons in Education, Psychology and religious Law, are validated and provided by our partner universities.
This quality assurance mechanisms ensures, that we meet constantly the academic, international requirements.
Therefore, our quality standards are checked by an expert committee consisting of academic and professional representatives.
One of our many valued partners is the UEES in Mexico.
The University is accredited by the government of Mexico, and a high quality educational institution.
Based on the authorization from the Florida Department of Education (Commission for Independent Education) we award also HONORARY DEGREES according to Chapter 6E-1.0041, Florida Administrative Code: 6E-1.0041 Honorary Degrees.
(1) Among nonpublic postsecondary institutions operating in Florida, only those which operate under Section 1005.06(1)(b), (c), (e), or (f), F.S., or which are licensed by the Commission as a
college or university, may award honorary degrees.
(2) No honorary degree given by a nonpublic college subject to the jurisdiction of the Commission may have substantially the same name as any earned degree given by any institution in Florida
authorized to grant degrees.
(3) Each honorary degree shall prominently bear on its face the words, “honorary degree” or “honoris causa.”
Specific Authority 1005.22(1)(e) FS. Law Implemented 1005.02(7), 1005.21(1) FS. History–New 10-13-83, Formerly 6E-1.041, Amended 11-27- 88, 10-19-93, 1-7-03.
This citation may not reflect the most recent version of “The State of Florida Administrative Code”.
Please verify the status of the code here:
Honorary degrees are awarded to people, nominated by the FCPR Board of trustees, who merit special recognition for their outstanding achievement and
distinction in a field or activity consistent with the values and commitments of the Florida College for Philosophical and Religious Studies FCPR.
Criteria for awarding an HONORIS CAUSA degree:
Exceptional contribution to religion, peace, education and culture
Free Services to the educationally underprivileged
Work in areas of special educational concern to the Florida College for Philosophical and Religious Studies FCPR
Academic and scholarly distinction
Public Services inside the USA or in an allied country
Services to the Arts and Sciences
Services to the Florida College for Philosophical and Religious Studies (FCPR)
Exceptionally innovative and responsible Interfaith dialogue and positive interaction between people of different religious tradition
“In the arena of human life the honors and rewards fall to those who show their good qualities in action.”