Dear friend,
Welcome to our college's homepage.
Since the beginning of his conscious existence, man has been concerned with questions of philosophy and religion.
His striving for spiritual development is not possible without belief in God.
There are many leaves on the tree of knowledge, which all understand themselves as the only revealed religion and want to bring us closer to the Creator.
Here at Florida College for Philosophical and Religious Studies, we are convinced that any individual, personal belief in God can be deepened and consolidated, by studying other religions and
We therefore invite you to walk the path together, and work on not only becoming smarter, but also more tolerant and understanding of each other's point of view.
Professor Dr. A. Huber
“Education is the key to unlocking the world, a passport to freedom.”
Oprah Winfrey
President: Prof. Dr. A. Huber
Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs: Prof. Dr. G. Reiff
Chancellor: Prof. Dr. Esmeralda Williams
Chair and Vice-chancellor: Dr. Emma Jones, D.D.
Trustee: Walter Henry Jackson, Ed.D.
Prof. Dr. A. Huber, Professor of Religious Studies and for the History of Religions
Prof. Dr. G. Reiff, Professor of Philosophy and for Eastern Religions
Prof. Dr. Esmeralda Williams, Professor of Perennial Philosophy
Mrs. Lara de Menezes, Secretary
Our mission as a non-profit institution is to give as many people as possible access to higher education
in philosophical and religious studies.
Therefore we charge either low or no fees in order to enable as many people as possible to study with us.
In order to achieve this and to fulfill our mission as a non-profit college, we have a small core team of professors / employees who work for us on a voluntary basis (see the list above) and, in
addition, many highly qualified volunteers coming from different countries and time zones, scattered across 4 continents, and proven experts in distance learning.
Florida College for Philosophical and Religious Studies (FCPR) is registered as a non-profit entity in California, USA, under No. 16986.
The aim of our college is to train its students in academic philosophy, theology and especially religious studies.
Therefore, we want to dedicate ourselves to carry out this goal through scientific religious research.
In addition, we provide services and training for religious organizations.
The qualification 'scientific' refers to the attitude and working method of a researcher who, through a critical approach to the subject matter, taking into account all available data (including
source languages/texts) and in discussion with earlier or different types of research results, tries to develop a balanced and innovative vision concerning a clearly defined issue in an
independent manner.
In taking texts and other data seriously and approaching them as openly and honestly as possible, it helps us also, to understand the holyness of the creation.
We do not study the scriptures of the respective religion separately by confession, but try to study and learn them as a whole and with an interreligious approach.
For this reason, we only have one faculty for the entire religious study and not, as usual, separate faculties according to creeds.